The Voice of Customer Research Workshop

Learn Jaimie Lee Creative's tried-and-true voice of customer research process so you can better listen to your customers, implement their feedback, and grow your sales.

VOC research is the foundation on which high-converting copy is built.

And while collecting voice of customer research might sound intimidating, it won't be after watching the VOC Research Workshop from Jaimie Lee Creative. With this course, you'll learn & apply my tried-and-true process to conducting useful, collaborative, and insightful VOC research in your own business.

Having this valuable skill in your back pocket will lead to better connections with your clients, a better understanding of your business, and better copy—all of which lead to more sales.

In this course, you'll learn:

• Why VOC Research is a foundational process for ALL businesses—not just SaaS companies & tech giants

• How to add a simple, customizable voice of customer process to your business

• What to ask, how to ask it, and how to follow-up with the customers who give you the best insights

• How to organize, analyze, and implement your VOC research in your copy so you can make more sales

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What's Included:

the voc research bank

monthly office hours

Workshop replay

over-the-shoulder tutorial

As a conversion copywriter, not only does my client work depend on VOC research, but my business does, too. I've broken it down and explained each step for you, along with the strategy that supports it all.

Have a follow-up Q after the workshop? Want me to look over your most recent VOC data? I host monthly office hours via Voxer for all of my students.

No more wondering what to ask or how to build a survey. Get the exact questions I ask that you can customize to your business in a jiffy. Best of all, I've already built the surveys for you in Tally.

Peek over my shoulder as I show you real examples of the VOC research I've done for my clients & exactly how we implemented it in their copy.

what one course-Taker had to say: 

"You presented so much valuable information, and the questions you shared for market research and previous offers are definitely going to come in handy!

I loved the case studies you included and real client examples of how to implement VOC data. I really enjoyed your storytelling and how you walked us through the process from analyzing the data to implementing it in a meaningful, strategic way for these clients."

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Common Queries

Isn't voice of customer research really technical?

It can be, but that's not my personal approach to it. I see VOC research as the opportunity to listen to your customers and give a damn about what they have to say.

People who have already paid you have so much insight to give about your business. VOC research is the opportunity to listen to them and make solid decisions, write great copy, and make more money going forward.

my business is quite new—will this workshop still be applicable?

VOC research is focused on connecting with past or current customers for their insights. However, there's tons of overlap between VOC research and market research, as long as you tweak the questions slightly.

And regardless of when you started your business, learning this valuable skill for the moment you have a few clients under your belt will help you immensely as your grow.

i have another query that you haven't answered here.

No problem! Please reach out via the chat box on this page, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

It's time to listen to your customers, implement their feedback, & grow your business using voice of customer research.

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